Can I cancel my trip on Expedia and get a refund?

When passengers booked their flight to visit somewhere, they booked it with joy and happiness. But you can not change the future things that are meant to happen. Suppose you booked your flight with Expedia to visit Las Vegas with your wife. But in the end, your wife got really sick, and now you are worried about that. Can I cancel my trip on Expedia? So, if the passenger is willing to cancel their trip, they can cancel that. Expedia is aware of the general problem and is always trying to provide a good service. So, if you want to cancel your flight and get a refund from the agent, then you have to read the below illumination.

What are the cancelling and refund policies of Expedia?

If the passengers are willing to cancel their flight and they want a full refund, then they can cancel their flight and get a refund, but before, there were some Expedia policies that they had to read in order to cancel the flight with Expedia.

  • If the passengers are willing to cancel their flight on the same day of booking, then they can easily cancel their flight, and the Airline will give them the full refund without the deduction of cancellation charges.
  • If the passengers wish to cancel their flight after the allotted time given by Expedia, then they will get a full refund, but the Airline will deduct cancellation charges for that.
  • If the passengers buy a refundable ticket, then they can cancel their flight three hours before the departure. They will get a full refund for that without the deduction of cancellation charges.
  • If the passengers cancel their flight due to any severe illness, then they do not have the cancellation charger, and they will also get their full refund, but they have to submit their medical documents for that.
  • In the case of any family member’s death, the flight is cancelled by the travellers, then they can get their full refund, but the submission of a death certificate is necessary within 14 days of cancellation.
  • If the flight is cancelled by the Airline due to any technical emergency, then the passengers will get their refund. Also, the Airline is responsible for compensating.

Explain the procedure for cancel my trip on Expedia and get a refund

If travellers wish to cancel their flight, follow the procedure below.

  • Go to the official website of Expedia Airlines.
  • After that, Log in by filling in all the necessary details.
  • Then move to the managed booking option.
  • They will ask for a booking reference and the last name to find your ticket.
  • After that, You will be able to see all your booking itineraries.
  • You will see a managed booking option again.
  • Then they will provide the modification option.
  • You will see a cancel flight option. Click on that.
  • Click on the cancel flight option.
  • You have to fill out a form for a refund by providing them with some necessary details.
  • You will get a message and email from Expedia with confirmation.

The question was to cancel my trip on Expedia and get a refund, and the answer is written above. If the passengers have further queries, then they can contact customer service.


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